This blog post is over three months old and may include information about our program that is out of date. Please check other pages on our website to confirm information, or email us with any questions.
The Course
The new Front-End Development course is designed for web developers who thrive on creating semantic and user-friendly websites in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. If you want to improve your craft, plus add in-demand frameworks and new technologies to your skill set, then this course is for you.
As the demand for interactive websites continues to grow, more front-end developers will need a solid understanding of JavaScript. We’ve designed this new course for web developers who want to work in the pillars of the web—HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
The Curriculum
This new course teaches advanced HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript (the three pillars of web development), along with critical technologies and topics, including Sass, jQuery, responsive web design, and others.
Front-End Development Accelerator
June 8 – July 31, 2015
Learn to develop front-end cross-browser, multi-device web applications using advanced HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, and popular front-end frameworks. Course curriculum includes: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Sass, jQuery, Angular.js, responsive web design, and more.
Come Learn More!
Front-End Development Course Info Session
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
6:00 p.m. - Networking
6:30 p.m. - Presentation and Q&A
511 Boren Ave. N Seattle, WA
Join us as we unveil our newest 8-week Development Accelerator: Front-End Development! Meet instructor and front-end developer Dexter Lesaca and learn about this full-time track in advanced HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, JavaScript, Sass, and much more. Find out what a career in front-end development holds for creative, design-focused developers.
RSVP today!