The motivation to always keep learning and improving permeates our classrooms. Our graduates, immersed it that mentality for months, bring it into their workplaces as they continue to hone their craft and try new languages. Here are some of the common career paths possible for our grads and other developers in the industry.
Career Paths for Developers
This is a typical career path for a software developer:

Here’s another:


And another:

There isn’t just one track to becoming a successful developer, just as there isn’t one definition of what success looks like.
What Is “Success”?
Success will mean very different things depending on who you ask. For some, it’s getting to learn new things and build products in a role that gives them above-average pay and good work-life balance.
For others, it’s rising in the tech industry, starting as a Junior Developer and becoming CTO or CEO of a startup.
So as our students start or continue their career in tech, what does their success look like? Gina Hinton, who works with our students on our Career Development team, shared how we’ve seen some of our graduates progress in their careers since we graduated our first class almost three years ago.
“Our grads are hired at all levels, from junior to senior. Some shift towards product management, some grow into the role of CTO, and some start their own companies. It’s magic to watch.”
Here are some of the career transitions our students have made to become successful developers in the tech industry.
From CS Grad to CTO
Steven majored in computer science in college and was working as a freelance web developer when he decided to study iOS development at Code Fellows. A year after graduating, he’s now the CTO of Seattle-based startup Elevator. Want to learn more about his journey? Read More »
From New Dev to Hiring Others
A graduate of our first intensive JavaScript course, Dale was hired at Formidable Labs before his course was even over. He went from new guy on the team to taking on more responsibility with new projects and helping screen and interview incoming developers. Read More »
From College Freshman to Youngest Grad
Kate dropped out of college to enroll at Code Fellows, and became our youngest grad yet. She shared an in-depth look at her experience during her time at Code Fellows. Read More »
From iOS Dev to iOS Instructor
Michael opted to teach himself iOS development instead of going the traditional university route, and then applied to Code Fellows to level up his learning in a structured, supportive environment. Almost two years after graduating and working in the industry, he’s back at Code Fellows teaching the next generation of iOS developers. Read More »
From the Film Industry to Java Developer
Originally working as a television video editor, Jeff decided to switch to the tech industry and used Code Fellows courses to get there. After starting in our beginner classes and working his way through the program, he was hired at Expedia and expanded his skill set to include Java and C#. Read More »
Coffee Roaster Turned Python Developer
Perry graduated with a degree in Computer Science, and decided to return to the industry after working as a coffee roaster. He studied Python at Code Fellows to update his skill set and now works as a software engineer at SubmitNet. Read More »
Ready to become a successful software developer? Find out if this career is for you in Code 101 »