Seattle Ruby Brigade
The Seattle Ruby Brigade welcomes Ruby and Rails developers from all skill levels to their weekly meetings on Tuesday nights. They gather to work on personal and open source projects.
Creative Mornings
Seattle’s local branch of Creative Mornings is a monthly guest lecture and breakfast meetup series hosted at a different local company every month.
UX Happy Hour
Get to know the designers in the industry at UX Happy Hour, held on the first Tuesday of every month.
Refresh Seattle
Hosted at our Seattle campus, Refresh Seattle’s goal is to foster networking and communication between web designers and developers.
Seattle Xcoders
Meeting several times a week, Seattle Xcoders includes both open discussion time on Tuesdays and structured guest speakers on Thursdays. This group is a great place for iOS and Mac developers of all skills levels to learn from each other.
Appy Hour
Meet local mobile developers and have a drink at the monthly Appy Hour meetups.
Ember.js Seattle
If you’re interested in Ember.js (or JavaScript frameworks in general), meet up with other like-minded devs at these bimonthly events.
The SeattleJS group alternates between guest speakers and open mixers for their monthly meetups.
Seattle Node.js
If you want to meet with other JavaScript developers to learn about Node, check out Seattle’s monthly Node.js meetups.
Django Seattle
Every week, Django Seattle members get together to work on side projects and talk with other developers.
Puget Sound Programming Python (PuPPy)
PuPPy meets every week to bring a community of Python developers together discuss Python, work on side projects, and more.
Specifically for female coders, PyLadies offers educational talks, networking events, and more for Python developers of all skill levels.
If you’re interested in the geospatial space, check out Seattle’s CUGOS group. They meet regularly on the third Wednesday of every month and on the occasional Thursdays.
Maptime Seattle
Through tutorials in their monthly meetups, Maptime Seattle helps teach others various mapping technologies.
What awesome local meetups have you attended lately? Let us know on Twitter!