Leap Motion comes to Code Fellows

During their time at Code Fellows, students are trained to constantly watch for emerging technology. One way we encourage students to explore new gadgets is by hosting workshops.

Our workshops bring in experienced speakers and new technology to give the public an opportunity for real-life, hands-on training and development. Our most recent [meet-up](http://www.meetup.com/codefellows/) welcomed [Hakon Verespej](http://www.verespej.com/), Growth Hacker at Madrona Venture Group, who talked about his experience with Leap Motion controllers. [Leap Motion](https://www.leapmotion.com/) has created a device that allows you to interact with your computer hands-free.

During Verespej's [presentation](http://www.gloriousdojo.com/presentations/leapmotionworkshop/index.html#/), workshop attendees interacted with 20 Leap Motion devices at the February 20th event. Some completed apps for the controller by the end of the evening. In his recent [post on Leap Motion](http://www.verespej.com/2014/02/welcome-to-future-of-interactive.html), Verespej discussed some of the ideas that workshop guests came up with for Leap Motion apps, including a [Rock, Paper, Scissors](https://github.com/PlenipotentSS/LeapRockPaperScissors) game. "The project I was most impressed with, which happened to be built by a pair of Code Fellows students, was a rock, paper, scissors app that accurately detected the count and final hand shape using the leap," he said.

Check out our [Calendar](https://www.codefellows.org/calendar) for upcoming free workshops.
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