Our new program launches this fall with a completely new schedule that gives you a straightforward path to get from where you are to landing a great job in the tech industry. Whether you’re completely new to software development, have been a hobbyist coder for a while and are ready to become a pro, or are working in the field and need to update your skill set, we have the courses to get you trained up and employed.
Here’s the Breakdown:
Code 101: Introduction to Software Development & Careers In Tech
One Day
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Is this career path really for you? Spend a Saturday with us to build your first web page and test your new skills to see if you enjoy the prospects and process of software development.
Result: Find out if a career in tech and our Code 201 course are right for you.
Code 201: Foundations of Software Development
Daytime Track: 4 Weeks
Nights & Weekends Track: 9 Weeks
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Get used to writing syntax and pushing code as you learn the basics of web development through HTML, CSS, Javascript, and the tools and best practices used by software developers around the world.
Result: Get training that will prepare you for an internship at a tech company or continuing on into Code 301.
Code 301: Intermediate Software Development
Daytime Track: 4 Weeks
Nights & Weekends Track: 9 Weeks
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What’s the technology behind launching a web app and working with a software development team? In this course, you will go beyond HTML, CSS, and JavaScript syntax and learn how to launch a web app, collaborate on projects, use advanced frameworks and libraries, and work with basic algorithms and data structures.
Result: Become a web producer, product manager, or entry-level website builder, or continue on into a Code 401 course.
Code 401: Advanced Software Development
Daytime Track: 10 Weeks
Nights & Weekends Track: 23 Weeks
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Ready to apply everything you’ve learned to your chosen programming language? Code 401 courses will be available in Full-Stack JavaScript, iOS development, and Python (with more options to come!). This is where you get to study specific syntax, tools, frameworks, and libraries, and get advanced technical and professional skills and training to land a job in the industry.
Result: Land a high-paying job as a professional software developer with the help of our career development team and curriculum.
Courses are now open for applications! Contact Us to apply today.

Frequently Asked Questions
Got a specific question about our new program? We’ve been getting a lot of feedback, excitement, and questions already! See if your question is listed below, and check our FAQ page for more details.
What is the difference between each course?
- Code 101 takes just a day to introduce you to the Code Fellows teaching style and potential careers in the tech industry. This course is a primer on HTML, CSS, and how to launch a website.
- Code 201 gets your head and hands familiar with writing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as using industry-standard tools, terminology, and development environments.
- Code 301 uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build fully-functional websites and trains you in the technology behind building and launching a web app.
- Code 401 is where you specialize in the frameworks, tools, syntax, and technology of a specific programming language. Right now, Code 401 courses are available in the Full-Stack JavaScript, iOS development, and Python programming languages, with more to come.
How do I know if I’m ready?
Code 101 is designed for complete beginners, so grab a laptop and join us for the one-day course! Our other courses—Code 201 through Code 401—will each have a phone screen and code challenge in the application process to make sure you’re prepared for the course ahead. Incoming students don’t have to take all of the courses or complete them in a particular order. You can test into the course that is most appropriate for your skill level.
What’s the enrollment process?
- Code 101: Beginners who would like to enroll in our one-day Code 101 course can sign up directly from our course calendar.
- Code 201/301: Applicants to Code 201 and Code 301 courses will have an initial phone screen and will need to pass an entrance test to make sure that they are prepared for the course ahead.
- Code 401: To enroll in Code 401, students will have to pass a code challenge and in-person interview.
How long will it take me to go from start to finish?
Our new program is designed and scheduled to take 20 weeks from start to finish in the Daytime track, and 36 weeks in the Nights & Weekends track.
Click here to read even more FAQs.
Still have questions?
Contact us to get all of your questions answered:
By phone: 206-681-9318
By email: Contact Us »
By next week: Weekly office hours, every Thursday from 12 to 1 p.m. at our Seattle and Portland campuses (no RSVP necessary).
By next month: