Code 101 is a one-day workshop that introduces coding newcomers to the world of web development. We’ve taught Code 101s in New York, Chicago, Portland, Seattle, Lakewood, Bellevue, Renton, Everett, and even as far as the Cayman Islands (with more locations to come!), helping people decide if a career in tech is right for them.

The workshop is an invigorating 12-hour class (with lunch and dinner provided) that takes you through the process of planning and building a website with a team. Students complete each step themselves, from building web pages in HTML and CSS to collaborating with classmates and pushing code live to the web.

On top of learning practical first steps in web development, students also hear from teaching assistants and tech veterans who share their own tips on learning to code and staying motivated throughout a career change.
The Schedule
8a: Students can arrive an hour before the start of the workshop to get help installing required software for the workshop.
9a: Class kicks off with an ice breaker and overview of how HTML, CSS, and JavaScript come together to form the modern web.
10a: Students break into teams to design the website they will build throughout the day. After the instructor live-demos how to build a simple webpage in HTML, students start coding the structure of their site in HTML.
12p: During lunch, teaching assistants share tips and advice for learning to code.
1p: Student can ask any questions about what they’ve learned so far, before launching into an introduction to CSS and adding style to their webpages.
3p: The instructor, an industry professional, shares more about what it means to be a software developer, followed by a break and more time to code in teams.
4p: Students learn how to use git, the most popular version control system (VCS) used by software developers around the world, to share their code and push their websites live to the web.
6p: Dinner and guest industry speaker.
7p: Presentations! Students showcase the website they’ve been building throughout the day.
8p: Class is done and students have built a website in one day, learned the basics of HTML, CSS, and git, and have a better understanding of what it means to be a software developer.
Ready to try out a Code 101 workshop for yourself? See all of our upcoming Code 101 courses on the calendar!